June 18, 2017 – Budapest: The Best Place To Shoot Your Movie

Hungary is an experienced player in Europe’s movie incentives game. One of the first former Eastern Bloc countries (in 2004) to introduce generous tax incentives, it has progressively increased the amount available to up to 30 percent or eligible productions. Officially recognized by the European Audiovisual Observatory for the boost its incentives give to film production – between 2010 and 2013, movie spending in Hungary accounted for on average 0.15 percent of GDP, double that of the U.K. and France – national film fund managers are expecting $200 million in incoming production spending this year alone. A new statutory commitment by the government to maintain a 14 billion forints (about $50 million) deposit account to ensure money is available to be paid out for approved tax rebates is the latest tool to keep Hungarian studios, crews and locations busy with international productions. "There is confidence and trust toward the Hungarian film industry and its representatives from filmmakers and producers worldwide", says Agnes Havas, CEO of the Hungarian Film Fund.