Head of IT Strategy Center, Magyar Telekom plc, Budapest (November 2003 � Present)
Responsible for planning IT strategy for the Magyar Telekom Group, primarily of IT as an internal support function. Updates annual strategy document and leads many strategic projects. Focusing on cost efficiency initiatives, deployment of new technologies. Collaborates with Deutsche Telekom T-Com and affiliates in Central-Eastern Europe.
Associate Professor, University lecturer. Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
(1997-Present, part-time)
Dept of Management and Corporate Economics (from 2007 January), and Dept of Information and Knowledge Management (earlier).
Teaching in courses of Information Management, Information Systems, Decision Support Systems.
Senior Manager, Ernst & Young Hungary, Budapest
(October 2001 � November 2003, and earlier 1997-1999)
Threefold responsibility: leader of the TSRS (Technology and Security Risk Services) Group, project manager and sales manager. Having 30+ clients among Hungarian large companies, especially banks, insurance companies, other financial institutions, and telco companies. Focusing on IT control assessment, IT security, risk management, and business continuity planning. Achieved CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) title.
Manager, Ernst & Young LLP, in San Francisco , Palo Alto , and San Jose
(September 1999 � September 2001)
Responsible for IT risk and control assessment assignments as project manager. Having 20+ clients in San Francisco and the Silicon Valley , including Hewlett-Packard, Providian Financials Bank, Disney, Sandisk, AskJeeves.com, Rock Shox and many dotcom companies. Focusing on SAS70 reports, validation of eCommerce (B2B) transactions settlement.
Fulbright Research Grant, State University of New York at Albany
(June 1995 - August 1996)
Research into Group collaboration tools and distributed decision making
Teaching the Decision Support Systems course for MPA (Master of Public Administration) students.
Associate Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
(1993-1997, full-time)
Dept of Information and Knowledge Management.
Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses: Banking Informatics, Information Systems Engineering, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence.
Teaching in MBA Program: Decision Making.
Research areas: Decision Support Systems, Group collaboration tools, Distributed decision making.
Founder of the Department, and of the Banking Informatics Post-graduate Program.
Research at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria .
PhD Studies
Computer and Automation Institute Budapest , University of Salford in UK .
Focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Case-based reasoning. Dissertation on a case-based legal expert system to identify similar, referable legal cases by defining specific distance measures.
PhD in Computer Science, Budapest University of Technology - 1994
Masters degree of Electrical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology - 1988
What is IT worth for business? � Harvard Business manager, Budapest , May 2007
20+ scientific papers and articles in various journals and IT magazines
Noted Recognitions
Two research grants by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund � 1996-97
�Candidate of Science� title, by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences � 1993
Numismatics, History, Tennis