2005 -
Founder and CEO of i2010 Hungary Ltd., Project management consultation company on EU affairs.
2003 -
Head of Secretariate of Information Society Interdepartmental Committee (www.itktb.hu)., eTEN National Contact Point to the European Commission, independent evaluation expert on eTEN, eContent, Safer Internet and FP6 projects.
2000 -
Project Manager - Association of the Hungarian IT Companies. Managing IT projects of the "Széchenyi Initiative".
1997 - 2000
Editor in Chief/General Manager of BYTE Hungary. Publishing and managing Hungary's No. 1. IT magazine and publishing house.
1995 - 1997
Senior Editor of "Computer Panoráma" - major Hungarian IT magazine, editor in chief of Microsoft's "Microsoft Hírmondó".
1994 - 1995
Marketing manager/GIS project manager of Geoview Systems, Ltd. Tasks included organizing professional conferences, exhibitions, daily PR activity, control of marketing budget.
1990 - 1994
Project manager of the National Committee for Technological Development (OMFB) - The national GIS project (1 billion Ft.) made a standardized base for local geographical information systems participate with 45 local governments. Meanwhile consultant and developer of DTP and database systems. References: OMFB, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
1986 - 1989
Editor at the ComputerWorld-Számítástechnika (International Data Group).
Heavy Industrial University, Miskolc. M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. Thesis on NC/CNC programming.
Application expert of Microsoft Office Platform (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook)
Desktop Publishing Consultant (PageMaker, Quark Xpress, PhotoShop, printing house knowledge)
Web Publishing (CoffeeCup WebDesign, .html, .ftp)
English - fluent, Esperanto - fluent
Registered member and expert of Neumann János Computer Society
Member of Association of Hungarian Journalists.
Member of Hungarian Association of IT Companies (i2010 Hungary Ltd.)
Two professional guide books for the comprehensive Desktop Publishing, serial of professional IT technology articles (BYTE Hungary, Computerworld).
Computer, literature, table tennis, bike, ski