
Check out all the events going on

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Dear AHEC members, 

Our meeting was held:
Thursday, December 6, 2012, 7-8:30 am EST
Morrison & Foerster, 2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20006-1888

1. Introductions
2. Remarks by Arpad Toth: “Next Generation Broadband WirelessEnabled Homeland Security Solutions”
3. Other Business

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Dear AHEC members, 

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Dear AHEC members,

Cordially invite You, as precious Member of the Harvard Club Hungary to an 
Exclusive Site Visit & Personal Discussion with Sándor KürtiFounder and President of KÜRT Information Management Company
Date: October 13 (Monday), 2014 – 18:00-20:00

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Please see the below invitation to participate in the Global Forum 2016 Digitalization: the Global Transformation' inaugural event, the Global Innovation Start-up Competition (GISCO) on Monday 19 Sept and Tuesday 20 September in n   Evoluon Center, Eindhoven, Netherlands.